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It's now about five months (!) since we returned to Norway from our Asia trip, so I won't bore you with details about the final stage. However, despite being 'long time ago', 'old news', and all that, I feel like ending what I've started. The reason why I haven't posted anything from the last few destinations until now is simply due to the fact that the last months have been extremely hectic. Since we got back to Norway we first moved back in to our old apartment, then started looking for a new apartment, I started at my old job, working long days while I was looking for a new job, then we found a new place which meant renovating and moving, then I got a new job, and in the midst of all this we got a wedding to plan... Anyway, here are a few pictures and a very short description of the last two weeks of backpacking Asia.
The last post ended with us leaving Cambodia to put our feet on Thai soil again. After a short ferry trip we settled down on Koh Chang, a beautiful island in the eastern gulf. We spent four days relaxing on the beach, eating good food and, eh.. not much else I guess...
Katrine is enjoying the final night of dining on the beach -
next awaited a big, polluted metropolis...
next awaited a big, polluted metropolis...
The hostel/hotel we stayed at had an inviting roof-top pool.
On the ground level there was definitewly more fuzz...
On the ground level there was definitewly more fuzz...
Last time we were in Bangkok we didn't have time to do much, so this time we had planned to spend a week here. Too long you might think, but it didn't feel like that at all. Bangkok and the surrounding areas have a lot to offer, so you can easily spend a week here. We stayed in the two most popular backpacker streets, the pulsating Khao San Road and Soi Rambuttri. Most of the time was spent shopping, sightseeing, eating and sleeping. Yea, I know, it's a hardknocked life being a backpacker...

From Bangkok we went on a day trip to the world famous floating market, the Tiger Temple and River Kwai, where we stumbled accross this charming little fellow (below)

Our final stop in Thailand was the fancy new airport that was occupied by demonstrators last December
From Bangkok we flew to Hong Kong where we enjoyed three more days of big city life. Hong Kong is simply awesome. I won't tell you much more about it now, you should check it out for yourself. But, if you want to learn a bit more about why you should visit, take a look at the post from last time I was there. See Magnificent Hong Kong

Two of Hong Kong's trademarks:
colourful neon-light signs and skyscrapers
Dried lizard or gecko (or whatever it's called) is obvioulsy
a local delicacy in Hong Kong...
With backpacks crammed with cheap shoes and clothes, stomachs filled with Chinese food, and heads dizzy from pollution and impressions we left Hong Kong. After more than three moths on the road exploring South East Asia, it was now time to start a routine life in Oslo. As the bus took us out of the city and towards the airport I had a feeling of both wistfulness and excitement at the same time. It was sad to leave such a laid-back and trouble free lifestyle, but I was happy and eager to get back and get 'serious'. Although we occasionally miss the freedom and excitement of travelling we are very happy in Oslo. But, I can promise you that you that the world outside of Norway hasn't seen the last of us.

The Asian sky gave us a clear, blue farewell,
while the European sky gave us a sweet, but cloudy welcome

Not only the highway, but also the skyway is getting busier,
as this picture illustrates (flying out of London Heathrow)
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